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Smile Tray

Everything you need in few easy steps

Our unique, proprietary impression taking system allows you to capture both patient's soft tissue record and intended smile in your very first appointment

Impression Taking

Individually selected trays provide the ideal carrier for dental impressions

Occlusal Height Recording


Precision vertical occlusal height recording assisted by a locking screw mechanism 


Gothic Arch Tracing

Inbuilt Gothic Arch Tracer provides positive jaw relation recording



Bite Registration

Jaw relationship recorded with the Gothic Arch tracer is locked in the mouth


Tooth Position

The Smile Tray® allows positioning of the anterior teeth in the mouth


From lips support, anterior appearance, occlusal plane angulation and center line is achieved by using the provided anterior teeth

Tooth shape and colour are selected with patient involved in the process 

Try out our Smile Tray yourself!

Contact us for more information about the denture manufacturing process and steps included in the Smile Tray impression workflow

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